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Update 47.1 – Patch Notes

By Star Trek 11 October 2022


We hope you’ve all been enjoying the new Bajoran faction and the challenges that solo armadas bring. Along with some issues fixes and improvements, we’d also like to introduce the new ship ability Automated Defenses. Check out the full patch notes below for all the details.

Automated Defenses

This new ability will be available in the store and from the Bajoran faction. This ability can be applied to G3 and G4 Faction Surveyors and requires a new currency, Orb Splinters. When the  Automated Defenses ability is active, the survey will have drastically increased combat power while on a mining node.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where when summoning with a USS Discovery, a 0 appeared above ships in the same system as the USS Discovery.


  • Commanders Operative and above can now collect resources and build structures for Alliance Starbases.
  • Made the improvement where ship ability cooldowns now appear on ship ability icon.
  • Made the improvement where the duration of a ship ability now appears on the ship ability icon.
  • Made the improvement that the duration of an ability on a ship that isn’t your own is more visible when selecting it.
  • Reduced both the cost for the Hostile Exchange bundle and the loot drop from Jem’Hadar hostiles by 10x. This was to alleviate cargo space limitations for Commanders at specific ops levels.