“Rom, you’re driving me crazy.”
“It’s not me, brother, it’s this alternate universe. It just doesn’t make any sense.”
-Quark and Rom
New PvP Crews
Last month STFC introduced Mirror Kira, Mirror Ezri, and Mirror Troi, making the Mirror Universe synergy group complete and ready to shatter the existing PvP crew meta for all Commanders! With powerful new abilities enabling the use of tactics that were not viable before, these officers are going to change the way Commanders fight. To that end, we have prepared this explainer to aid in understanding how the new officers work.
Mirror Picard

The tip of the spear, Mirror Picard released last month to introduce the concept of Apex Barrier. With Mirror Picard’s Captain Maneuver providing powerful isolytic offense and his Crew Ability providing a powerful Apex Barrier against Assimilated player targets, he instantly became the captain of choice for Commanders looking to capitalize on these new mechanics.
Mirror Data

Mirror Data’s crew ability provided the Assimilation effect required to activate Mirror Picard’s Apex Barrier, and provided valuable synergy to boost Mirror Picard’s isolytic offense. This was largely seen as his primary function. However, Mirror Data’s own captain ability should not be overlooked. As Captain, Mirror Data provides an Apex Barrier against player Interceptors, and the strength of that barrier will stack with that provided by Mirror Picard’s crew ability. Now, with the arrival of more Mirror Universe PvP crew officers, it will be possible to fully synergize this ability to generate an extremely powerful barrier of 45000!
Mirror Troi and Mirror Ezri
With these two officers, the Apex Barrier combat triangle captains are all here! Mirror Troi serves as the anti-Explorer Apex Barrier captain, and Mirror Ezri will protect against Battleships. Fully synergized, they will provide a tremendous amount of protection against their specified targets, equal to what Mirror Data provides against Interceptors. As with Mirror Picard, their Crew Abilities require the opponent to be Assimilated in order to activate. Mirror Troi’s Crew Ability provides a powerful boost to Energy weapon damage against Assimilated players, and Mirror Ezri does the same for Kinetic weapons.

Mirror Kira

The Intendant-turned-Empress Mirror Kira arrives as the Epic officer to complete the synergy group. Mirror Kira has always preferred to use charm and misdirection to conceal her true intentions and strength, and her abilities reflect that. Mirror Kira’s Captain Maneuver provides a relatively small Apex Barrier in comparison to that provided by other Mirror Universe officers, and her Crew Ability provides a relatively small boost to weapon shots fired per round in comparison to other officers who provide such a boost. However, only a fool would take Mirror Kira lightly! Her abilities may start out with relatively unimpressive numbers, but true to her deadly style, once the opponent is drawn into her web, they may find themselves unable to escape! Mirror Kira’s abilities ramp up every round of combat, maxing out at 5 stacks. The result is that her relatively unimpressive starting numbers will actually be five times as powerful on the 5th round, and remain that strong every subsequent round!
Here are some basic suggestions for Mirror Universe PvP crews:
Mirror Picard / Mirror Data / Mirror Kira – For general PvP. Powerful isolytic offense, powerful Apex Barrier, and improved shot count.
Mirror Kira / Mirror Data / Mirror Picard – A more defensive variant of the first. For use when your opponent has particularly potent isolytic defenses. You lose out on Mirror Picard’s isolytic damage but in its place you have a far more powerful Apex Barrier.
Mirror Troi / Mirror Data / Mirror Kira – Extremely powerful Apex Barrier against Explorers, and improved shot count and energy weapon damage. Use Mirror Picard instead of Mirror Kira if you’d prefer an even stronger barrier instead of the improved shot count.
Mirror Ezri / Mirror Data / Mirror Kira – Extremely powerful Apex Barrier against Battleships, and improved shot count and kinetic weapon damage. Use Mirror Picard instead of Mirror Kira if you’d prefer an even stronger barrier instead of the improved shot count.
Mirror Data / Mirror Ezri or Troi / Mirror Kira – Extremely powerful Apex Barrier against Explorers, and improved shot count and either energy or kinetic weapon damage. Use Mirror Picard instead of Mirror Kira if you’d prefer an even stronger barrier instead of the improved shot count.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of how to use these new officers, but it should help you get started. The battles are about to heat up, Commanders! Time to learn to fight like a Terran!
-The Star Trek Team