
New Modifier: Apex Shred

By Bek 4 March 2025

“They have found a way to penetrate our shields!”
— Worf

Ever since portals to the Mirror Universe opened in our galaxy, Commanders and their devious enemies have relied on the powerful Apex Barrier defense system to guard against the final frontier’s many dangers. With the launch of the Section 31 arc, new adversaries have deployed extremely potent Apex Barriers, prompting the need for a powerful countermeasure. Introducing Apex Shred, a new stat that boosts all ship weaponry to undermine the Apex Barrier’s enhanced defenses.

How Apex Shred Works

  • The Apex Barrier’s strength appears as a flat number, while Apex Shred functions as a percentage.
  • 100% Apex Shred cuts the opposing barrier’s effectiveness by half, regardless of its strength (1,000 points, 10,000 points, or even 50,000 points).
  • Pushing beyond 100% Apex Shred allows more damage to pierce the barrier, although each additional percentage becomes increasingly difficult to achieve.
    • 200% Apex Shred reduces the barrier to one-third of its normal strength.
    • 300% Apex Shred reduces it to one-quarter.
    • 400% Apex Shred reduces it to one-fifth.
    • If you manage 900% Apex Shred, you weaken the barrier to one-tenth of its usual protection!
  • You can never fully bypass an Apex Barrier with Apex Shred, similar to how you can never reduce incoming Isolytic Damage to zero with Isolytic Defense. However, you can weaken it significantly.

Final Thoughts

Apex Shred gives Commanders an edge when facing enemies wielding high-level Apex Barriers. By strategically increasing Apex Shred percentages, you can nullify much of the barrier’s protection and gain a decisive advantage in combat. Keep improving your ship’s offensive capabilities, and watch your foes’ defenses crumble.