Man your stations, patch 22 is warping in faster than ever with a twist!
Star Trek Fleet Command expands its universe with Star Trek: Discovery!
Expanding beyond the Kelvin universe for the first time, Star Trek Fleet Command introduces the Star Trek Discovery arc, delivering an exciting hands-on experience for fans of the franchise’s hottest new series.
The new Discovery arc is upon us and with it a lot of new and exciting content to share with all Commanders around the galaxy. The first Discovery Arc will include:
- USS Discovery (because Warp Speed is too slow).
- Anomaly Events with a unique game loop.
- New Officers, including Michael Burnham & Saru.
- All-new Discovery missions and stories.
- New twenty-four day, Discovery themed Battle-Pass.

Maia has detected a strange energy signature in Independent space. Investigate this new anomaly, a new fungus, and partner up with members of the USS Discovery as they explore their new surroundings.
New Ship – The USS Discovery
Introducing the flagship from Star Trek: Discovery. This ship allows you to instantly jump around the galaxy using the power of Mycelium.

5 New Discovery Officers
Michael Burnham and her crew beam into the galaxy! Introducing five new Officers that can be acquired through the Battle Pass & various events. We have Michael Burnham, Commander Saru, Cadet Burnham, Cadet Stamets, and Cadet Saru.

[Epic] Michael Burnham
- Steadfast: Increase impulse speed by X
- Intuitive: when getting hit, reduce opponent’s shields by X% of attack in PvP

[Rare] Saru
- Precautions: Reduce opponents Critical Hit Chance by X% on every crit taken in PvP
- Avoid Danger: Reduce opponent’s Damage by x% in PvP

[Uncommon] Origins Burnham
- Vulcan Hello: Increase the Attack of All officers on the ship by 45
- Risk-Taker: Increase Damage by 25%

[Common] Origins Stamets
- Biologist: Increase the Health of All Officers on the ship by 40
- No Time To Waste: Increase Warp Speed by 45%

[Common] Origins Saru
- Vigilant: Increase the Defense of All Officers on the ship by 40
- Prey Instinct: Increase Hull Health by 11%

New Discovery Missions
Missions kick off our journey with Star Trek: Discovery. This contains core and side missions that will be sourced through the free Battle Pass. Includes:
- Core Missions – Quantity: 10 missions, unlocked at the fourth Milestone of the Basic Battle Pass.
- Side Missions – Quantity: 5 missions, unlocked at the sixteenth Milestone of the Basic Battle Pass.
New Anomaly Events
New randomized Anomaly events happening across the galaxy:
Use your new Discovery ship to take advantage of new Anomaly events that last for about 7-10 minutes but run every 45 minutes throughout each Anomaly event day. Target the new hostiles pouring in from the discovered anomalies and mine much needed valuable resources as fast as possible.

Battle Pass
Introducing a new version of the battle pass for September.
New Avatars & Frames
Introducing new Discovery themed Avatars & Frames
- Officer Burnham Avatar
- Officer Saru Avatar
- Of`ficer Stamets Avatar
- USS Discovery Avatar
- Star Trek Day Avatar
Frames: - Gold Discovery Emblem
- Mycelial Spore
- Sarcophagus Ship
Improvement: Battle Reports
Developer Comments: We understand how important Battle Reports are. We have heard your feedback and have implemented this change where up to 300 Battle Reports will be stored in the Battle Reports tab.
- Up-to 300 Battle Reports will be stored in the Battle Reports tab
Improvement: Exchange Armadas
- All types of Exchange Armadas now have a guaranteed Spawn rate in all Exchange systems.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the missing 3rd icon of the top 3 contributors in the alliance contributions list.
- Fixed an issue affecting certain strings overlapping.
- Fixed an issue where players could still attack a station without assigning captain to the ship.
- Fixed the Pure Research nodes not showing the discounted amount. Please note that this fix will not affect any faction related costs
- Fixed an issue where the research timer changed significantly after tapping on the “Go” button in the “Requirements Not Met” section of the other research.
- Fixed an issue with the [Multi-select Object Viewer] If target warps away when you arrow over to it, object viewer and ship cards break.
- Fixed a minor visual issue with the officers’ stats bonuses not updating properly.
- Fixed an issue with the game being stuck when tapping on the “OK” button in the Event’s banner.
- Fixed an issue when tapping on the Stella Research Icon, it doesn’t take the player to a research node available from the Shipyard and Drydock.
- Fixed the art for the Stella Researches being missing after exiting and entering the Research menu repeatedly from the Stella Research Icon on the Drydock and Shipyard.
- Fixed an Android issue where the device’s Back button did not work when launching the game for the first time after a fresh installation.
- Fixed an issue when interacting with in-game notifications in a number of menus causing them to overlap with the HUD.
- Fixed an issue with the game getting stuck after going back to the “Research” screen from the “Event Leaderboard” screen.
- Fixed an issue with the “Victory/Defeat” battle in-game notifications missing after fighting a Faction Revenge hostile.
- Fixed an issue with the targeting ability being removed if the targeted player warps out.
- Fixed an issue with empty notifications appearing when a PvP battle starts and the text shows up on the “Battle Results” notifications after attempting to send two ships to attack a player’s ship.
- Fixed an issue with Eurydice’s portrait displaying as a datapad in the chest opening screen.
- Fixed an issue with the game getting stuck in the “Research” screen after navigating to a building through the “Go” button in the “Requirements Not Met” section then opening the “Research” screen again.
- Fixed an issue with the upgrading time not being displayed in the “Research Upgrade” panel after collecting then upgrading that research continuously.
- Fixed an issue with some ships getting stuck in combat status due to poor connection.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the UI disappears and the game gets stuck if the player opens “Alliance Chat” before opening the “Events” screen after launching the game.
- Fixed an issue with completed events being shown before active events.
- Fixed an issue with Armada notifications being displayed incorrectly if an Armada battle is created right after the player joins an Alliance.
- Fixed certain Korean characters which were displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with the instant Repair button not being present in the Ship Management Panel.
- Fixed an issue with the object viewer not loading when coming back from the full scan screen while the multi-select option is enabled on stacked hostiles.
- Fixed an issue with players being able to level up officers that are not unlocked yet.
- Fixed an issue with the quest “Hold Fast” where after completing the first objective, the recommended level disappears from the Mission Panel.
- Fixed an issue with the mission “Upgrade Tritanium Warehouse: Level 38” not activating despite meeting the requirements.
- Fixed an issue with the quest “A sleeping Giant’s” last dialogue from the second objective of the mission being delivered by Maia instead of Ro Mudd.
- Fixed a grammar error with the quest “Fade to Black” with Mudd’s dialogue for the fourth objective of the mission.
- Fixed an issue where some officers have been wrongly configured for Rank up Ability increases.