Prepare your fleet and muster your Officers because Patch 24 is about to Takeover the galaxy.
Territory Capture
New systems and territories will be available in a new section of the map where each zone in the new Origin Sector has been rapidly claimed by six opportunistic races: Suliban, Tholians, Trill, Corvallen, Breen, and Bolians.
Rally your alliance and engage in these territory takeovers across different tiers to access exclusive services like mining, housing and rewards!
The Territory Capture zones will be unlocked through a simple mission that we will unlock soon after maintenance is complete. In the meantime, there are new T1 Raw Isogen mines available to be mined. Refined T1 Isogen (refined from T1 Raw Isogen) is required to start a Territory Capture. Venture out to the following systems to mine T1 Raw Isogen!
There are three systems close to Territory Capture space near the tutorial zone (75 total nodes – 25 per system):
- Klosi
- Vemmi
- Marzer
And the following systems in Rogue Space each have nodes as well (48 total nodes – 6 per system):
- Valance
- D0D-G
- Kuzukoh
- Tombstone
- Leone
- Wallach
- Peckinpah
- Yuma

Discovery & Territory Capture Missions
Continue the Discovery arc with a whole set of new missions and learn about the new territory capture mode with additional planetary and Progenitor focused missions.
New Discovery Officers
Recruit 3 new Discovery officers! Ash Taylor and crew are beaming into the Galaxy! Introducing 3 new officers that can be acquired through the Battle Pass & various events. We have Ash Tyler, Hugh Culber and Airiam.
[Rare] Ash Tyler
Hold Position: When defending on a TC node, increase your Officer attack by X%.
The Beast Inside: While the enemy is affected by Burning, every round, increase this ship’s Damage by X% of Officer Attack(cumulative)

[Uncommon] Hugh Culber
Protective: When defending a TC node, Increase your Armor by X% of your total Health
Learned from the Best: Reduce Jump & Instant Warp costs

[Uncommon] Airiam
Isogen Miner: Better mining rate for ISO
Cybernetic Enhancements: When defending a TC node, and when your HHP is lower than 85% of starting value, apply Burning to the enemy each round

Battle Pass, Avatars & Frames
Engage with a whole new Battle Pass for Discovery Arc Part 3 with additional new avatars and frames!
Improvement – Alliance online
As per our community feedback, we have now implemented a feature where Alliance leaders can now see when their Alliance members were last online.

- Fixed an issue that was causing the commands to initiate combat less reliably when targets were moving directly toward at or away from each other.
- Fixed an issue within the “Summon” button that was showing up unexpectedly on all of the ships after repairing a destroyed Discovery.
- Fixed an issue within the “Discovery Summoning” skill that was causing it not working correctly after summoning a certain ship for the 2nd time.
- Fixed an issue with the mission “Lighting the Match” that was displaying both options as “Retrieving…”
- Fixed an issue with the mission “Lighting the Match” that was causing the “Locate” button missing.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some delay within claim rewards after some events due to elevated load on the server end.
- Fixed an issue that was causing buttons “Route” and “Cancel” to not respond correctly after cancelling the “Cost To Travel” popup.
- Fixed an issue within the Scan screen remaining stuck on the pre-scan view.
- Fixed an issue within HUD Events that was missing the “Events” text.
- Fixed an issue with Tribune’s Shield at T12 being 1600 instead of 812635
- Fixed an issue within New iPhone 12’s notch covering the game interface.
- Fixed an issue of the Cost To Travel for certain systems not being shown correctly.
- Fixed a naming issue of a planet in the Klosi system.
- Fixed an issue that was causing a missing NPC & players’ tag during events.