“Opportunity plus Instinct equals Profit”
-Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #9
Commanders, we are pleased to Introduce the intrepid treasure hunter officers of the Symbiosis Arc! These Star Trek Fleet Command original characters are the reluctant protagonists who find themselves at the center of a multiversal catastrophe. Though they’d much rather be doing their regular job of liberating rare and valuable objects from owners who don’t fully appreciate their resale value, events have conspired to place these Symbiosis Officers in a unique position to save the multiverse.
The Symbiosis officers are an anti-armada and anti-invading entity synergy group, designed to work together to extract as much value as possible from armada and invading entity targets! Recruit these officers and put them to work doing what they do best!
Dajash Tolra

Captain’s Maneuver: Safe Cracker
- Increases base Loot gained from Armadas and Hostiles by 60%
Officer Ability: No Locked Doors
- 30%/40%/55%/75%/100% chance to increase base weapon shots by 100% every round against Armadas and Invading Entities for 2 rounds (Cumulative)
A Cardassian fugitive, Dajash Tolra is the team’s “safecracker”, and the leader when on a job. She is the core of the synergy group, as she’s the only one with a Captain Maneuver. And what a Captain’s Maneuver it is! Having Dajash as your captain will ensure that you receive quite a bit more loot from armada victories than you would otherwise.
Her Officer Ability is comparable to Miles O’Brien’s, except that it can reach a 100% success rate and stack up to two times, tripling your firing rate when both stacks are active!

Officer Ability: The Looking Glass
- Decreases all Armada and Invading Entities base mitigation stats by 100%/200%/400%/700%/1100% of total Officer Defense every round (Cumulative)
Below Deck Ability: Too Hot to Handle
- Increases base warp speed by 100%/300%/600%/1000%/1500%
Toli is a Deltan, a species first introduced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Deltans are, for reasons of curious science, usually found to be particularly attractive by other races, regardless of their particular cultural standards of beauty. As law abiding citizens of the Federation, Deltans know better than to take advantage of that particular quirk of their biology to get what they want unfairly. They even go so far as to swear oaths of chastity when serving in Starfleet. Unfortunately for his targets, Toli is not a law abiding citizen of the Federation.
With no moral scruples to speak of, Toli will happily use whatever means at his disposal to create favorable situations for himself and the rest of his crew. His Officer Ability reflects this, as he will use his irresistible charm to cause the Armada target or Invading Entity to drop their guard, weakening their defenses. Should things go wrong, Toli is always ready to run away very, very quickly! Reflecting this, his Below Decks Ability will help whatever ship he’s on to warp faster.
Symbiosis Officer Crewing

The rest of the crew will be coming in Part 2 of the Symbiosis arc, but in the meantime here are some suggestions for officers you can use alongside these first two in order to extract the most profit from your armada hunting endeavors!
Dajash Tolra / Toli / DeMarco – Extremely powerful isolytic damage to the armada! As an additional benefit, all three of these officers also work against Invading Entities, should you ever be called on to defend our reality again.
Dajash Tolra / Toli / Janeway – The next best option for isolytic damage to the armada if you do not have DeMarco.

Dajash Tolra / Toli / Benjamin Sisko – After a few rounds, enjoy your extremely high crit rate!
Dajash Tolra / Toli / Khan – Alternative to Sisko, works better than he does if your Khan is high tier and your Sisko is not.
Dajash Tolra / Toli / Miles O’Brien – If Dajash Tolra and Miles O’Brien both activate their abilities at once, your ship will be firing shots at a rate you’ve never seen before!
Dajash Tolra / Toli / 5of11 – If you just want to get the most loot from the armada that you possibly can, this is how you do it.
We are looking forward to seeing how you incorporate this month’s Symbiosis Officers!
The Star Trek Team