A few updates are coming to the world of Star Trek Fleet Command. Read below to stay up-to-date on what’s new.
What’s in this update:
Territory Capture Season 3
Infinite Incursions
New Isolytic Damage Primes – Coming Soon!
Warchests Reward Adjustments
Territory Capture Season 3
Season 3 of Territory Capture is upon us and kicks off on April 23rd! Along with a wipe of all currently owned territory, various changes are coming this season based on your feedback, so be sure to check out the information below and the official IGN for additional details.
Season Start Date: April 23rd
Note: There will be a 1hr maintenance period on April 23rd at 1am PT for the various changes being made to Territory Capture.
Territory Capture Season 3 Services:
Improved Nodes and Services
Parsteel, Tritanium, and Dilithium have been changed to Materials (G3 in T1, G4 in T2)
Monaveen BPs and Chronometric Particles can now be found in All T3 Territories
Boosted Particle Output
Boost to All Particle Generators (2x)
For a full breakdown of events and rewards, be sure to check out the official In Game News.
Infinite Incursions
April 26, 2024
The time is approaching where servers will go head-to-head in combat to establish dominance in the galaxy. The pairings for those are as follows:
We will see you on the battlefield!
New Primes – Coming Soon
Prime Battleship Isolytic Damage
Prime Interceptor Isolytic Damage
Prime Explorer Isolytic Damage
While these primes have not been released yet, they can be viewed in the Combat Research Tree and stfc.space. These new primes will increase Isolytic Damage by 15% for each ship type.
War Room Events
Based on player feedback, we are increasing the payouts of the Warchests, in Materials, Resources, Ship Parts, Emblems of Honor, and Seals of Kotal, as illustrated in the charts below.
Players can also expect to see an The Way of the Warrior – SLB (a War Room Upgrade Event) on the schedule from April 23 – April 26 to coincide with these changes.
Additionally, all players Operations 20+ will be given 10 Warchest Keys due to the changes in the Warchests payouts.
Warchests Reward Update
Here is what you can expect from the Warchests, assuming your War Room and Operations level match. Thank you for continuing to work with the Star Trek Fleet Command Team to make improvements like these and more.