
Additions to the Artifact Gallery

By Bek 19 September 2024

Commanders, perhaps you’ve noticed that there are spaces for some new artifacts in your Artifact Gallery. These 8 new artifacts are considered Temporal Artifacts, meaning they have a max level of 12 and tend to give more of an effect per level than other artifacts. Here is a quick rundown of the new artifacts and the powerful benefits that unlocking them will provide to you!

Epic Artifacts


  • Increases base isolytic damage for all ships (7% at level 1, 60% at Level 12)

Isolytic damage is useful in every situation, and the more you have the better! This artifact is notable in that it provides significantly more Isolytic damage from a single source than any other Isolytic damage artifact released so far. Even just unlocking it will provide an isolytic damage boost equal to a level 13 Borg Queen’s Remains! Don’t miss this excellent addition to your arsenal!

Classic Tricorder 

  • Increases base Cost Efficiency of Basic & Sigma Resources and 4* through 6* Materials when upgrading Buildings (20% at level 1, 150% at level 12)

All Commanders want to improve their stations, and this artifact will make it easier to do so.

Rare Artifacts

Classic Phaser

  • Increases Apex Barrier when enemy ship has Hull Breach (250 at level 1, 1000 at level 12)

Emperor Georgiou’s Sword

  • Increases Apex Barrier when enemy ship has Burning (250 at level 1, 1000 at level 12)

Sarek’s Vulcan Necklace

  • Increases Apex Barrier when your ship has Morale  (250 at level 1, 1000 at level 12)

This trio of artifacts are aimed at strengthening your Apex Barrier based on combat states. They work in all combat situations, and are stackable. Keep building your barrier, see how high you can go!

Uncommon Artifacts

Saltah’na Clock

  • Increases research cost efficiency for the following special currencies for ship researches: Culver Particles, Subspace Tranceivers, Synthetic Ion, Regal Geode, Veridium Isotope, and Circuity Fragments (3% at level 1, 50% at level 12)

This one is great if you are trying to complete researches for your specialty ships! For quick reference, the ships whose special research currencies are affected by this artifact are the following: Cerritos, Defiant, Mantis, Monaveen, Titan-A, and Voyager.

Zalkonian Storage Capsule

  • Increases max cargo for your ships (12% at level 1, 200% at level 12)

Who doesn’t like more cargo? A simple enhancement but a universally beneficial one!

Geordi Visor

  • Increases base construction speed for buildings (12% at level 1, 200% at level 12)

Faster building means fewer speedups required! Another simple but useful one!

These new artifacts are currently available in the store, and once they are unlocked you can exchange your Temporal Disruptors for shards to upgrade them like any others. Those that you do not unlock will be available for Temporal Restoration at a later time.


The Star Trek Team