Invaders from the Fifth Dimension!
—Dr. Chaotica’s Robot
Dimensional Crisis
Commanders, our universe is under attack once again! The Krenim have launched their invasion, and it’s up to you to fight back. Just as with the invading forces of Sarris, these extradimensional Invading Entities are subject to different rules of engagement than what you may be used to. In order to defeat them, you will have to think outside the box…or even the dimension!
Below is a quick list of key points to remember when facing these new Invading Entities during this Year of Hell arc:
Essential Tips for Combating the Krenim

Use the Correct Exocomp!

There are two distinct types of Invading Entity Krenim, and each has its own specific exocomp designed to counter it. Make sure you’re using the right one!
Note: If you want to give yourself an extra buff when combating the Krenim, make sure you check out the new Department of Temporal Investigations Headquarters section in the Year of Hell, Pt 1 Patch Notes.
These Are NOT Armada Targets

Invading Entities require directives to engage in combat, and they have a countdown and preparation circle, but that is the end of the similarity! Any officer or ability that specifies it will work against “Armadas” is likely to be ineffective against an Invading Entity. Popular anti-Armada officers such as Benjamin Sisko, Miles O’Brien, Chakotay, Seven of Nine, and Six of Eleven will NOT work against Invading Entities!
Forbidden Tech and Chaos Tech Restrictions
Any Forbidden Tech or Chaos Tech that specifically indicates it is to be used against Armadas will NOT work against Invading Entities.
Unconditional Abilities Still Apply
Officers with abilities that activate unconditionally WILL work against Invading Entities, just as they do against everything else! This includes officers such as Khan, Five of Eleven, and Sela (Captain Maneuver).
Officers Who Specialize Against Invading Entities

There are officers that specialize in combat against Invading Entities, and they will be extremely helpful here! Jason Nesmith, in particular, has a very powerful anti-Invading Entity Captain Maneuver—especially when fully synergized. If you have him, it is worth using him on one of your two ships when battling the Krenim! Dajash Tolra’s Officer Ability also works wonderfully. If you do not have her promoted very high, you might consider using a crew of Pike Moreau and Dajash Tolra to amplify her activation rate. The results will be impressive!
Bring Two Ships
You have two ships to use against each Krenim target, so make the most of it! You will have the best results if you have each ship fulfill a dedicated role. One ship packed with as much offense as you can muster and one ship crewed for support will produce the best outcome. For example, if you want to make the most of exploiting combat states on the target, use the support ship to inflict the states and the “killer” ship to exploit them.

These enemies are powerful, but not invulnerable! Commanders should be able to defeat level-appropriate targets so long as they remember that these are not normal opponents. Use officers that will work, don’t use officers that will not, and don’t be afraid to experiment! Good luck, and may you prevail against the invading Krenim forces during this Year of Hell arc.
Live Long and Prosper,
-The Star Trek Fleet Command Team